View all past orders as well as search by customer, product, cashier, or date.
Keep track of daily sales and totals for every payment type.
Manage multiple cashier accounts and secure them with badges or pin codes.
Monitor cash register adjustments and easily verify cash contents at the end of the day.
Monitor your stock in real-time, manage your inventory across all locations, and review shipments with the Stock integration.
Pre-configure your franchises stores, overview their sales, and centrally manage their stock and accounting.
Assign orders to tables and receive an overview of your restaurant’s floors as well as make changes on the go with the graphical editor.
Keep track of your guests with an overview of your restaurant’s capacity and table availability.
Send the order instructions to the bar and kitchen printers. Instructions can be sent to different printers automatically based on the product category.
Take orders for different courses of the meal at once with the ability to send them to the kitchen printer at separate times.
Add notes for customer’s preferences, allergies, or special requests and send them to the kitchen or bar printers.
Let customers pay separately or at different times by splitting orders.
Identify your customers by simply registering their email and contact address, allowing you to offer discounts and keep track of individual sales.
Look-up your customers with the built-in search feature or identify them with a barcode printed on their loyalty card.
Register your customer’s GST / VAT number and apply them to invoices.
Reward your customers with loyalty points and exchange them for gifts or discounts. Points can be earned by product, by order, or by sale amount.
Running your shop in your browser on your PC or Laptop is the cheapest and most flexible option. Usb barcode scanners are natively supported. Receipts can be printed on any thermal or inkjet printer compatible with your web browser.
Extra hardware such as weighing scales and POS printers can be used.
Tablets take a lot less space, their touchscreens are a joy to use. And they are light enough to be freely moved around your shop. Or you can put them in a nice stand and secure them on your front desk.
Hard to break and steal, touchscreen solutions are the perfect for shops and restaurants with a high volume of staff and customers. CloPOS on industrial touchscreens is compatible with the same peripherals as Laptops & PCs.